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Our Services

Quality Accreditation Services

Accreditation is a transparent system of control over the accredited hospital which assures that the hospital will constantly fulfill the accreditation criteria. The on-site survey of the hospital and staff by the experienced accreditation assessment team encourages them to establish educational and performance improvement goals. The best part is that it gives the opportunity to the patients to give feedback on the services they availed during their stay in the hospital and also to complain if they were dissatisfied. It ensures that hospitals, whether public or private, national or expatriate, play there expected roles in national health system.

Variety of benefits can be availed by the healthcare organization on being certified by NABH. The biggest beneficiaries are the patients, since they are serviced by the credential medical staff. It also provides opportunity to the hospital to benchmark with the best in the industry. Since accreditation ensures continuous learning, leadership, good working environment and ownership of clinical process, the hospital staff feels more satisfied and contented at work. It provides an opportunity to get empanelled by various insurance companies and other third parties. Lastly, it provides access to reliable and certified information on facilities, infrastructure and level of care.

NABH was set up to establish and operate accreditation programme for healthcare organizations with the objective of enhancing healthcare delivery system and promoting continuous quality improvement and patient safety. Regardless of ownership, legal status, size and degree of independence it provides accreditation to hospitals in a non-discriminatory manner. The standards laid by NABH are accredited by International Society for Quality in Healthcare (ISQua). This shows that the accredited hospital will also get international recognition.

We provide assistance in choosing the type of accreditation, doing gap analysis, and suggest most suitable and cost-effective changes. We assist in process design, making of compatible clinical and non-clinical documentation formats, accreditation training, implementation of standards across the hospital and conducting process audits. While the process of getting the accreditation is complex and cumbersome, our professional NABH consultants will make the task seamless for you!